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Vaccinations (please call the clinic to check availability)

PacifiCheck delivers vaccination services. Vaccines can establish or improve people’s immunity to some particular diseases. In order to keep vaccine functioning, vaccines should be injected every certain period of time. Vaccine injection schedule vaies, and some vaccines may have side effects, therefore one should consult doctor before having vaccine injection.



Prices (per dose)


Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine

Hepatitis B

Tetanus Vaccine

Tetanus vaccine

Gardasil Vaccine









A total of 2 needles The first needle (1 year old) 
The second needle (small one)

*If you are sensitive to eggs, it is recommended to go to the hospital for injection
*It is not advisable to become pregnant within 3 months after the injection of MMR

Influenza Vaccine

A total of 3 needles, the first needle 
The second shot (one month apart from the first shot) 
The third shot (6 months after the first shot)

**Half injection for under 15 years old**

A total of 2 needles, the first needle 
Second shot (within 6 to 12 months after the first shot)

**Suitable for 16+ years old**

A total of 3 needles 0.5ml per needle
Pin 1  
Second shot (4-8 weeks apart from first shot) 
The third shot (6-12 months apart from the second shot)

A total of 5 injections (the doses for adults and children are equal)
Pin 1  
The second shot (3 days after the first shot) 
The third shot (7 days after the first shot)
Fourth shot (14 days after the first shot)
Fifth shot (30 days after the first shot)

3 stitches in total

Pin 1  

The second shot (2 months apart from the first shot) 

The third shot (6 months after the first shot)

A total of 2 stitches 1st stitches 2nd stitches (2-6 months apart from 1st stitches)

Hep B乙型肝炎預防疫苗.png
子宮頸癌預防疫苗Gardasil 9.png
Hep A甲型肝炎預防疫苗.png
瘋狗針Verorab Vaccine.png
螢幕截圖 2022-06-24 上午12.58.02.png


Influenza vaccine

availble above 6 months 


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