Urology Health Check
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Urology Health Check
Disease in Urological system is very common. The organs covered by urology include the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, and the male and female reproductive organs. The urological system is very important for both sexes, and disorders of the urological system will cause many serious problems. If the urological problems are not properly cured, both men and women will suffer pains. Therefore a regular urology health check is suggested in consideration of your urological health. A urology health check includes prostate health check, kidney stone health check, overactive bladder health check, haematuria health check.
Prostate Check-up Plan
Price : HK$1,580
Physical Check-up:
Health Questionnaire
Body Weight and Height
Blood Pressure and Pulse
Body Mass Index
Blood Tests:
1 Renal Function (Creatinine, Urea, Sodium, Cloride, Electrolyte)
To detect hepatitis or hepatic failure and cirrhosis due to drug and alcohol.
Tumour marker for Prostate Cancer
Include glucose, protein, red blood and white blood cell
To detect diabetes, renal disease, urinary tract infection
Prostate Examination
Flow Rate
Maximum Flow Rate
Residual Urine
To detect hypocontractile bladder and Benign Prostate Hypertrophy
Ultrasound for Prostate
To detect Benign Prostate Hypertrophy and Prostate Cancer
X-ray of kidneys, ureters and bladder (KUB)